Our New Year Healthy Eating Challenge: Four weeks of Meal Planning done for you!

2019, Our Gift to You!
Wouldn’t it be great to get the year off to the best start possible? Would you like to make healthier food choices and have it all laid out for you?
We thought that might be pretty amazing too, so we’ve decided to create a one week meal plan for you for the next FOUR weeks.
Easy-peasy, healthy recipes to your inbox.

We want to give you a head start on the new year

All recipes will be set for 4 people, but should be easily scalable. Our goal is to provide you with healthy choices, no food groups have been eliminated on purpose, but if you’re sensitive to something you may substitute an alternative. The meal plan does not have to be followed exactly but more designed to give you new ideas to incorporate into your daily life.
If you’re ready to join us, please click the the link below and receive the first week plan and then watch your inbox for the next 3 weeks (Shopping list included!)
Sign- up and Happy Cooking!

Peanut Butter & Jam Overnight Oats

A preview of some of the great recipes we’ve included in our 4 week plan

Makes 4 servings

  • 2/3 cup All Natural Peanut Butter (divided)

  • 1/3 cup Maple Syrup (divided)

  • 2 1/2 cups Unsweetened Almond Milk

  • 2 cups Oats (quick)

  • 2 tbsps Chia Seeds

  • 4 cups Strawberries (finely chopped) or Raspberries


  • Add half of the peanut butter and half of the maple syrup to a mixing bowl. Slowly whisk in almond milk until combined.
  • Stir in the oats and chia seeds until combined. Cover and let sit for at least 3 hours or overnight.
  • To prepare the strawberries, add chopped strawberries to a bowl with remaining maple syrup. Stir to coat the strawberries in the syrup then cover and let rest in the fridge until oats are ready.
  • To serve, divide the peanut butter oats between jars and top with equal amounts of the sweetened strawberries (and their juices) and remaining peanut butter. Enjoy!

Is it Time for a Health Reset?

It’s spring! There is no better time of the year to focus on regeneration and renewal than spring.For our bodies, now is when we want to push our detox pathways and clean out thesluggishness in our bowels and liver. In short, it’s time to CLEANSE.Have you ever done a...

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Fuel Up with Protein

If you’re constantly craving sweets and snacking through your day or night, then you’re probablynot getting enough protein in your diet.Protein is one of our major macronutrients, along with carbohydrates and fats. Protein isessential for building muscle and fueling...

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Essential Fatty Acids—The Vitamins of the Fat World

Essential Fatty Acids—The Vitamins of the Fat World

 It’s February and it’s heart month and unless you have heart disease or heart attacks run in your family, you may not really feel like this is important for you, but hear us out—having a healthy activity level, eating the right diet is important for everyone, and...

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